
Press Pack About us - Colours - Fonts - Rules of design - Standard logos cdn_helper

What We Do

attend2IT specialises in offering high-quality event technology solutions, such as dependable Wi-Fi, networking, live streaming, CCTV and IT support for events of any size. Whether it’s a festival, corporate event, or large-scale production, they provide seamless communication and technical assistance to make sure everything runs properly. Their skill in building fast, secure, and scalable networks has established them as a reliable industry partner.

For more information please see our brochure

attend2IT History

Since its founding, attend2IT has expanded from a small team to become a leading supplier of event technology solutions with the goal of evolving event connection. They have grown their offerings throughout time, collaborating with significant events in the UK and beyond. By continuously adjusting to new technologies to meet the changing demands of the business, they have established a solid reputation thanks to their dedication to innovation and customer service.

Branding Guidelines

Please follow these rules when designing apps and websites meant to represent attend2IT

For attend2IT branded website:

  • Font Calibri
  • The header should be coloured 'attend2IT purple' with a white on dark logo, or White with a dark on white logo.
  • The primary colour should be 'attend2IT purple'.
  • The website should use a 16x16px 'a2IT' style favicon by default when a specific one is not provided.
  • For optimal SEO and Social sharing such as facebook, provide an og:image of 600x315px ratio minimum, 1200x630px preferred, the ratio should be preserved no matter the size.
  • When working with attend2IT purple coloured backgrounds, the overlaying content should be white.
Colour Hex RGBA
Attend2IT Purple #27235d rgba(39, 35, 93, 1)
Attend2IT Light Blue #4590ce rgba(69, 144, 206, 1)
Navy #040464 rgba(4, 4, 100, 1)
Dodger Blue #0D98F2 rgba(13, 152, 242, 1)
Light Steel Blue #EDEFF2 rgba(237, 239, 242, 1)
Dark Slate Blue #585C99 rgba(88, 92, 153, 1)
Light Slate Blue #8484B3 rgba(132, 132, 179, 1)
White #FFFFFF rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)
Midnight Blue #191970 rgba(25, 25, 112, 1)
Whiteish #FBFBFB rgba(251, 251, 251, 1)
Lavender #CBE0F5 rgba(203, 224, 245, 1)
Steel Blue #9E98BD rgba(158, 152, 189, 1)


Favicons, PWA icons, etc. can be found at here

Standard Logos

Standard Logos can be found at here

PNG logos in standard sizes of small(255px) medium(510px) and large(1080px) can be found at here

The original .psd files can be found in their respective folders along with other original logos

The .SVG file can be found at here

If you need to use JPEG, export one of the .psd’s

The swoosh

The swoosh can be isolated from the logo to be used as a nice background image. The swooshes can be found at here

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