Rules of design
Please follow these rules when designing apps and websites meant to represent attend2IT
For attend2IT branded website:
- Font Calibri
- The header should be coloured 'attend2IT purple' with a white on dark logo, or White with a dark on white logo.
- The primary colour should be 'attend2IT purple'.
- The website should use a 16x16px 'a2IT' style favicon by default when a specific one is not provided.
- For optimal SEO and Social sharing such as facebook, provide an og:image of 600x315px ratio minimum, 1200x630px preferred, the ratio should be preserved no matter the size.
- When working with attend2IT purple coloured backgrounds, the overlaying content should be white.
Colour | Hex | RGBA |
Attend2IT Purple | #27235d | rgba(39, 35, 93, 1) |
Attend2IT Light Blue | #4590ce | rgba(69, 144, 206, 1) |
Navy | #040464 | rgba(4, 4, 100, 1) |
Dodger Blue | #0D98F2 | rgba(13, 152, 242, 1) |
Light Steel Blue | #EDEFF2 | rgba(237, 239, 242, 1) |
Dark Slate Blue | #585C99 | rgba(88, 92, 153, 1) |
Light Slate Blue | #8484B3 | rgba(132, 132, 179, 1) |
White | #FFFFFF | rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) |
Midnight Blue | #191970 | rgba(25, 25, 112, 1) |
Whiteish | #FBFBFB | rgba(251, 251, 251, 1) |
Lavender | #CBE0F5 | rgba(203, 224, 245, 1) |
Steel Blue | #9E98BD | rgba(158, 152, 189, 1) |
Standard Logos
Standard Logos can be found at here
PNG logos in standard sizes of small(255px) medium(510px) and large(1080px) can be found at here
The original .psd files can be found in their respective folders along with other original logos
The .SVG file can be found at here
If you need to use JPEG, export one of the .psd’s
The swoosh
The swoosh can be isolated from the logo to be used as a nice background image. The swooshes can be found at here