Virtual Networking
Our bespoke, in house developed software goes further than traditional platforms by incorporating one of the biggest assets to successful business: networking. Whether its gaining new clients, or finding new service providers, it is without a doubt, that the opportunity to meet new people must not be overlooked, especially as move through these unprecedented times, restructuring to keep our businesses alive. With Eventcaster Networking, we can host entire virtual tables, of scalable size, from a small intimate gathering to large corporate events.
With a completley bespoke solution, there are no limitations on the virtual ‘layout’ of the event. Attendees can discover and learn about new opportunities in multiple virtual spaces of varying size, as well as pursue new ventures themselves within their own space with other attendees of their choosing, be it just one other individual or half of the event!
Virtual 1:1
Perfect for sponsors, interviews, speeds dates or just a private face-face chat our 1:1s are secure, private and easy to use. Participants can pre-book or be placed randomly with another delegate for a timed or un-timed chat, they can even share their screens if required. Just let us know your brief and we will do the rest.
Virtual Tables
We can host up to 16 video streams and 230 audio streams into one fully customised table. We can host over 500 concurrent tables to cater for the largest events. That;s over 9000 low latency video participants at the same time! Used with our Eventcaster Broadcaster (where we can stream to over 1 million viewers) this is perfect for breakout tables, networking rooms or somewhere for people to chat in the plenary breaks.
Polls, Votes and chats
Take feedback from the team, add ad-hoc questions in double quick time and show the results to everybody (or keep them to yourself if you wish!). Word clouds, weighted voting, charts etc. it can all be done, just let us know what you need.
We also offer a table chat service so that everyone can share ideas, links and any other information required, this can be downloaded after the event if required.
Other Functions

EventCaster Broadcast
Large Scale delivery of your content. This can be achieved via a virtual gallery with everything online. We can use a remote gallery where we bring all the content in to a high end switching room or we can provide a hybrid event at your location. This allows the best of both worlds. Learn More

EventCaster Low Latency
All our large streams are done with 5-6 seconds end to end latency. Latency is the time taken from the words coming out of the presenters mouth to get to the listeners ears. It is one of the areas that is often overlooked in streaming.
Imagine you have interactive content, a vote or poll if your presenter asks the question and then has to wait 30 seconds for the results to start to come in. You are going to need lower latency otherwise your event is going to become very stagnated. Learn more here.

Eventcaster Virtual AGM
With the new rules on AGMs being delivered remotely this is a new area for the industry. We have been streaming AGMs for many years and offering informal voting for just as long. We can offer a system that is secure and ensures each shareholder only votes once. Security is paramount and because we develop all our software solutions in-house we can ensure that you not only pass regulatory criteria but you also surpass your shareholders expectations as well. Learn More.