Sync Your Show
We can offer synchronised streaming for all your devices. VR (2D or 3D), iPads and android tablets are all supported. Using a combination of our Ultra reliable WiFi and some clever server technology we can stream to hundreds or thousands of devices in sync with a delay of less than 500ms. Just give us the content and we can do the rest!
The below is a simple demo of some video content and a camera feed.
We can provide from camera to viewer or just a part of the solution if you want to hand the video to us or use your own devices.
This service is already proving popular in a lot of events so get in contact for more info or a proper demo.
Other Functions

EventCaster Broadcast
Large Scale delivery of your content. This can be achieved via a virtual gallery with everything online. We can use a remote gallery where we bring all the content in to a high end switching room or we can provide a hybrid event at your location. This allows the best of both worlds. Learn More

EventCaster Low Latency
All our large streams are done with 5-6 seconds end to end latency. Latency is the time taken from the words coming out of the presenters mouth to get to the listeners ears. It is one of the areas that is often overlooked in streaming.
Imagine you have interactive content, a vote or poll if your presenter asks the question and then has to wait 30 seconds for the results to start to come in. You are going to need lower latency otherwise your event is going to become very stagnated. Learn more here.

Eventcaster Virtual AGM
With the new rules on AGMs being delivered remotely this is a new area for the industry. We have been streaming AGMs for many years and offering informal voting for just as long. We can offer a system that is secure and ensures each shareholder only votes once. Security is paramount and because we develop all our software solutions in-house we can ensure that you not only pass regulatory criteria but you also surpass your shareholders expectations as well. Learn More.

Eventcaster Networking
Useful for breakouts and coffee breaks we offer group discussions. With tables from 2-16 video participants plus their content (we can stream to 10,000+ viewer only) we can offer a variety of solutions. Randomised, pre-booked, pre-assigned, unlimited, against the clock or a mixture of all. Each call is secure with no chance of a table being video bombed. We can currently support 750+ tables at a time, so that’s over 12,000 delegates who can get together and talk. Learn More.