Event Name (required)
Your Name
Your Email
How easy did you find the booking process?
EasyOkayHardDidn't book
How did you find the on-site service?
GreatOkayHad some issuesHad lots of issues
Compared to other events, how fair do you think the prices were?
Not at all fairFairVery FairExtremely FairThis is our only event
If you had any issues, how was the support you received onsite?
AmazingGoodPoorI had an issue but didn't contact supportI had no issues
Which is more important to you
1 is Most important, 4 least important
Availability on Build
How likely are you to book internet services from Attend2IT again?
Extremely LikleyLikelyUnlikley
What could we have done to improve the service?
We are working to improve our impact on the environment and improve sustainability. Is there anything you feel we are doing well or could do better?
Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?
We'd like to put some feedback on our website (and a link to yours if you wish) so please leave a sentence or two here if you would like us to:-